August – Big Butterfly Count
We hope you will have a moment to take part in this years Big Butterfly Count. The copious summer sun has been great for butterfly numbers. For suggestions of butterfly attracting plants just ask one of our gardening team.

July – Feeling Hot Hot Hot!
In this relentless heat, spare a thought (and an ice lolly) for your gardener! We have been putting a lot of effort into helping plants survive this drought, we have been selectively watering and generously mulching. Were also experimenting…

June – Gardeners Question Time
Our Garden Designer Jodi had her question featured on Gardeners Question Time!
She is designing her own garden and asked for suggestions for unusual flowers. Bob Flowerdew certainly had some creative ideas..
You can catch up here

May – Bath in Bloom
The entry deadline for Bath in Bloom is fast approaching! There are a range of categories so you can get involved with a big or small garden. Well help you get everything in tip top shape for judging day.

April – First bulbs appearing
Finally the bulbs we planted in Autumn are starting to appear. We like to buy in wholesale quantities for our customers so they get the best spring displays. Later when the leaves have died down, we feed and mulch them so they come back and…

March – the crazy weather continues
What crazy weather we are having, luckily Gardeners World has some great suggestions of how to protect your plants from snow and late frosts. We are on hand with bubble wrap, and to help move pots to more sheltered locations.

February – Winter walks
Take a wintery walk though Prior Park Landscape Gardens to admire the snow drops. If you have them growing in your garden it is best to divide them just after flowering to increase your stock.

Now is the time to tackle the jobs there is never any time for. Build the compost bin you've been planning, clear out the shed of summers clutter and send off your Felco secateurs for a pampering.

December – The trees are bare
The trees are bare, and your lawn is covered in leaves! Fear not we are on hand with leaf blowers and rakes to rescue you from the autumnal deluge. If you have space consider making compost from the leaves, its great for wildlife, and as a soil…

November – to cut or not to cut
To let it be or cut it back? This is an often asked question at this time of year, and the answer is down to personal preference. Some people like everything to be cleared away and the garden 'put to bed'. But I personally favour clearing the…

After much perusing of the catalogues were excited that the wholesale bulb order we organised for our customer has arrived and we can start planting!
Have a look at Dutch Bulbs, and contact us for details of how we can help.